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Latest news from CIVCONS DESIGN

Setting up Plan for Future

21 December 2020

Civcons Design‘s representatives met to discuss future plans for the business for the next year […]Read more

Training in Partnership with CDC Group

6 December 2020

Civcons Design and CDC Group are working together to train people in the use of various trades and skills like Carpentry/Joinery, Dry-lining, H&S Management, and others. […]Read more

‘The Regional Lockdown’

1 December 2020

‘Coronavirus’, ‘COVID-19’, ’virus’, ’lockdown’, ‘quarantine’ are the most used words in 2020. Now we enter a new phase of it, even at the end of the year, ‘The Tier Phase’ or “The Regional Lockdown’. The newest decision taken by the Government was to impose a different set of rules for different areas of the UK in order to trace and tackle the virus with[…]Read more

Place for Relaxation

22 November 2020

Construction, a controversial and very broad topic, the place where hard work and creativity meet to give “birth” to a home, a place for relaxation,  […]Read more

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No Limits to Imagination

19 November 2020

 Man does not have limits in his imagination and ambition  […]Read more

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Toolbox Talk

13 November 2020

   For most people who are not interacting with the construction industry or actively delivering services in a building project, the concept of “ToolBox Talk” does not exist nor they can understand its importance. […]Read more

Construction Identity

5 November 2020

[…] an ordinary and huge construction, where a wooden cross is the only decorative object, can point out a church or a chapel. On the same street, another construction get us the idea of  […]Read more

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Dream House

19 October 2020

As a young dreamer with many plans for the future, I could talk about every detail of my dream house. We, women, are planning everything, and we always have a vision in perspective which […]Read more

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Fire Prevention

16 October 2020

The most disastrous and harmful agent in construction is Fire. Fire not only affect the property, but they can put at risk the most valuable resource of any project, Operatives Health and Safety. For years and years, there has been implemented new and improved ‘Fire prevention and control’ measures, but they still occur. And it is […]Read more

Exposure to Dust and Fumes

12 October 2020

The construction industry is already seen as not a very easy environment to work in. It is rather associated with terms such as “harsh”, “heavy” and “exhausting”. And in some way this is true, construction requires a lot of […]Read more

Female-Led Architecture World

6 October 2020

As a former editor in AD China, I found out that female no longer just participates in the construction domain, women now play a more[…]Read more

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First Steps - Important steps

5 October 2020

“Great things have small beginnings”, even when starting a construction project. At the very beginning, there is nothing else[…]Read more

Beyond Walls

4 October 2020

I consider that the construction industry plays an important role in the economy.

Through its quality, construction[…]Read more

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Different Thoughts

29 September 2020

Before I started working on a construction site, I had completely different views and everything seemed to me so puzzling, methought that it is really impossible to issue those marvel things from such ordinary people; but […]Read more

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You Should Go up the Ladder

28 September 2020

Just because we’re females it doesn’t mean there’s an end to how far you go up the career ladder. It’s entirely down to you, the individual. If you see yourself in […]Read more

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Construction Industry Fascinates

22 September 2020

[…] thought the process as simple as some builders throwing up some bricks, sticking some walls up, and giving it a lick of paint! Obviously, as I got older […]Read more

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What needs to be remembered when Working at Height?​

19 September 2020

Below, or above ground level, places where persons can be injured by falling from it, can be classified as ‘working at heights’. […]Read more

‘Autumn Spike’

14 September 2020

[…] we are hearing about ‘The Second Wave’ or the ‘Autumn Spike’ and more and more question marks appear when talking about what could happen next. The uncertainty. […]Read more

3 Years Anniversary at CIVCONS DESIGN

13 September 2020

Founded on quality, integrity, and hard work, our company strives today to operate with those same values and guiding principles. Click here to find out more!

Part of You, for the Future Generations

10 September 2020

NEW story added!  Would you like to read it? Click here!

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COVID-19 Secure

29 August 2020

Reshaping an entire system or industry is not something that is easily implemented, and it takes time for the new features to be accepted as normal. […]Read more

Reshaping your career

25 August 2020

At least that is what most of them say. Who are them? Your colleagues, friends, or family may be, mostly those who are trying to encourage you. […]Read more

"COVID-19 put its mark on 2020!"

22 August 2020

   This Statement is a fact and we have seen how all lives have been changed all around the world only because of a tiny dangerous virus. Especially, the construction industry in UK suffered changes that affected economically and structurally the […]Read more

Cottage House Refurbishment with an investment of 120k in 18 weeks from £432,500 to £949,950!

21 August 2020

   Cottage House Refurbishment project was a £120k refurbishment house. Encircling the open space extension, loft conversion, renovation, refurbishment, and […]Read more

My Home - My Space

11 August 2020

NEW story added!  Would you like to read it? Click here to read the  story!

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Kitchen - The heart of the house

18 July 2020

FIRST story added! We like to know more about what people name comfort and how they enjoy living their lives. So why not share your story with us? Click here to share your comments or ideas!

Click here to find out stories that might work your imagination and help with your project!

11 June 2020

Safety helmet colours on Civcons Design members’ sites should adhere to the following colour scheme on all new (and existing, where practicable) sites […]Read more

Where to invest during lockdown? ​

8 May 2020

When everything seems to fall apart, CIVCONS DESIGN likes to focus on the real values of society.[…]Read more

Coronavirus outbreak

6 April 2020

The Covid-19 outbreak and the rapid spread over the last few weeks constrained us to adapt to the current situation so that all the aspects of our lives suffered radical measures.[…]Read more

New H&S procedures

20 March 2020

CIVCONS DESIGN’s main priority is to protect everyone’s health and safety. We take very seriously the battle to contain the Covid-19 epizootic, strictly applying public authorities’ recommendations. […]Read more

15 February 2020

Artificial Intelligence development increases its power and that creates opportunities for future construction sites. AI is designed to facilitate and accelerate the construction process and make it safer. […]Read more


14,000 Hours

7 January 2020

2019 was a very good year for CIVCONS DESIGN LTD. We have achieved […]Read more

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