Covid - 19 Update

‘Autumn Spike’

14 september 2020

For the last months, we have felt how easily our way of doing construction can be changed. Starting with the lockdown in April and then the ‘re-entrance at the normal pace’ in July, we adapted to the new regulations and measures created to make everyone who followed the guidelines safe.

Now, we hear about ‘The Second Wave’ or the ‘Autumn Spike’, and more and more question marks appear when talking about what could happen next. The uncertainty of what could the future bring and what impact could it make on the construction industry makes all of those who work in construction-related jobs eager to implement more and more procedures to contain the spread. 

   In light of these events, we are ready to use all of our resources to make our staff feel safe and protected against the spread. By continuously following the government’s advice, we hope to slow the spread and contain it when discovered. All of our operatives are encouraged to respect new health and safety instructions either in the construction sites or in public transport. 

   All of CIVCONS DESIGN’s workforce can get in contact with our Office regarding any question or concern that they might have regarding how their safety is managed. We are open to any idea that we can develop to improve our employee’s workplace quality. Get in touch with our Team by clicking here.

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