Covid - 19 Update
New Tougher Restrictions
7 January 2021
On the 4th of January, the UK received an update on the coronavirus situation from the Prime Minister. But few expected that instead of an easement on the already considered strict measures, new more onerous restrictions to be implemented. The so-called “Stage 5” replaced the regional Tier System that was implemented not so far ago.
Due to the new variant of the virus, as the Health Secretary presented, the NHS is currently overwhelmed and put to the risk of collapsing under the rapidly increasing number of infected people. The spread continues at an exponential pace, and everyone should be aware of this!
CIVCONS DESIGN Team implemented new rules and procedures that need to be followed regarding the risk of contamination. More cleaning facilities, temperature-checking stations, and teams not exceeding two operatives working in a specific area, preferably lone-working where possible, are being implemented as part of the new working methods. How do these new rules affect the construction industry, considering that most of those who activate in construction-related jobs cannot work from home?
Also, every team active on-site must every morning be briefed about any COVID-19 updates for the day. Furthermore, all of CIVCONS DESIGN’s workers are being encouraged to be tested, and if any member needs help in this matter, they can request guidance from their on-site Supervisor/Manager.
CLICK HERE to get to know more about how we are handling the COVID situation.