Dust and fumes in construction

Exposure to Dust and Fumes

12 OCTOBER 2020

Make work safer with CIVCONS DESIGN.

   The construction industry is already seen as not a very easy environment to work in. It is rather associated with terms such as “harsh”, “heavy” and “exhausting”. And in some way this is true, construction requires a lot of physical activity and that is why the workforce must be protected and seen as the most valuable resource.

  In addition to the intense physical performance, there are all the additional risks of the industry and the workplace that every operative encounters in daily activities. The most common risk is an injury caused by Working at Height which we looked into in our previous article. But as standard as the risk of falling or harm caused by working at height is Exposure to Dust and Fumes.

  It is not easy to picture a construction site without dust or some fume in it. That is because regular trade activities such as sawing, drilling, sanding, or even sweeping the floor are the source of harmful particles for the health of operatives. Tireless and continuously, the management teams of all sites improved the construction system so that the exposure to dust or fumes did not harm the workforce.

  Either if we are talking about replacing the human-action with technology and plant-activity sawing, drilling, sanding etc.) or numerous control measures implemented both aimed for the same outcome: TO KEEP THE OPERATIVES SAFE!

  The most common effect of exposure is not felt immediately or is the short-term irritation of the respiratory system or parts of it, resulting in cough or temporary blocking of the respiratory channels. But the most dangerous after-effects are the result of repeated contact and inhalation of dust particles, vapours, or fumes. The after-effects can develop into a so-called “Chronic respiratory disease”. Few examples are:

  Chronic obstructive airways disease (COPD) which causes airflow obstruction and difficulties in breathing, frequent chest infections, increasing breathlessness when active and persistent cough;

  • Silicosis results from constant inhalation of RCS (Respirable crystalline silica). The RCS is found in stone, rock sand, and other materials still used in the construction process. The critical fact about silicosis is that it is not active immediately after exposure. It takes about 10-15 years to develop inside the respiratory system, and it is the most common source of lung cancer.
  • Asbestosis. Asbestosis is a chronic lung disease that actions by scarring of the lung tissue. Even though asbestos is minimalised, it can expose through refurbishment or demolition processes of old structures. When found in a construction site, they must cease all the work and call a specialised team to remove all the asbestos residue from the sites.
  • Occupational asthma is caused by exposure to respiratory sensitisers at work, which inhaled in a repeated manner can lead to severe chronic asthma. An operative with asthma can suffer from asthma attacks.

  Here, at CIVCONS DESIGN, we take all reasonable actions to keep our workforce safe and healthy. By implementing safety designs, controlling measures, and monitoring procedures, we hope to make the workplace a safer environment for our operatives. Also, all of our employees and partners are encouraged to seek guidance and advice when undertaking a new task that might involve exposure to dust or fumes to understand the safety measures implemented to protect their wellbeing.

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